Thursday, March 1, 2012

Trying to change the world...

If you took a job as a scholar, a parent, and an educator of future teachers because that University had a lab school you would fight with everything in your being to save that entity. It may not be politically savvy of me as an untenured assistant professor to scream at the top of my lungs and cry foul. It may not be politically savvy for me as a mother of a second grader at the school to be emotionally charged and allow my emotions to show as I wear my heart on my sleeve. It may not be politically savvy for me as a teacher educator to share my frustration with the politics of this situation and to strive to engage my students in political actions. But this is one of those crossroad moments when if you do not take bold action for what is right and what is just you will regret it for the rest of your life. I choose to take bold action and to be loud about this every day to as many people as I can because this matters. Closing the Iowa Research and Development School otherwise known as the Malcolm Price Lab school is a huge failure of imagination and integrity by leaders. I came here to be a part of a premier college of education where I had access to a research and development school that was cutting edge, that values the education of the whole child and valued creating benchmarks for best practices in teacher education. I am proud to be a teacher educator who values the education of the whole student from birth to graduate school. I choose to fight the good fight!!!! I hope others to have many people join me on this journey!

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